One day late, because I took Christmas off. A belated Merry Christmas to my readers!
I like a wide variety of pairings, so my comfort zone is pretty big when it comes to that. There are pairings that I like that I haven't been able to write, however. Two that immediately spring to mind are Alluro/Cheetara (Thundercats) and Bushroot/Darkwing (Darkwing Duck). The attempts I made at these, to see if I could do it and make it work, just didn't work. It's been a long time since I even thought about trying to write Alluro/Cheetara, but I could never get past the clash of the egos combined with the morality clash of villain and hero. It's a crack pairing anyhow, so I doubt I ever will see it done by another author, but I can always hope.
Bushroot/Darkwing is a tad more common in the Darkwing Duck fandom, although it's still a rare pairing. Mostly I've seen it in art. The concept intrigues me, but I personally can not make this work. Even with an AU where there's no Morgana (I don't care for fics that break up Darkwing/Morgana just to make a new pairing, especially since there's a tendency to bash the odd one out), it's still hard for me to make these two mesh romantically. The one time I tried to write this, what I got was an angsty gen fic leaning more toward friendship than anything else. So while I'd like to see a good Bushroot/Darkwing fic, it's not something I can do myself.
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