After several days of working on it, I finally finished doing a makeover of Cheezey's Thundercats Zone. The whole site now has a uniform look, and I fixed and spruced up several sections in the process.
Content-wise, not much has changed, but I think it looks a lot nicer. I found and fixed some broken image links and 404s, mostly in old sections like The Third Earth Inquirer that I'm pretty sure got borked back when I had to do a last minute domain move in 2005. I'm just glad that I'm as much of a pack rat with my data as I am with my stuff, because if it wasn't for a few ancient full copies of my site in old backup folders, I'd have never found a few of those lost old images. It's funny; back in 1998 and earlier, before I had a capture card, I actually used an old digital camera, and before that, a film camera on the TV to get images, and they look so bad and cheesy now, as does the intentionally rough photo editing. I think it actually works for the Inquirer, though, because it really adds to that campy bad tabloid feel, which is what I wanted it to have.
I did add a few new captions and update the links page, though. No updates to the fanfic archive except for some updates to my rating system and to change the look. I swear, the old background graphic did not used to be blinding! I'd like to blame HD and its better contrast and resolution in monitors than think it's just that I'm getting old and my eyes are getting bad. Then again, I did start wearing reading glasses in 2007, so perhaps that's just wishful thinking!
I also did some updating to Cossack the Terrible's Tour of Planet Doom. That didn't need nearly as much work as the Thundercats site, but it took me the better part of an afternoon. TheLast Greenhouse on the Left also got a tiny update, which was basically to fix up the links page and toss up a link to my forums.
My site's forums The Lair of Cheeze now have sections for all three fan sites (despite the URL, which is for the old Thundercat Zone board, which can't be changed without deleting the board and all the old posts on it), though, and each fandom has its own fan fiction and fan art sub-forum, so feel free to head there and start posting. I'd love for it to become active again!
All of this webmastering and looking at old pages on my site has made me enthused about all three fandoms' plotlines I have or had at one point in the works. Ah, time, there just isn't enough of it...